Digital Camera Back & DSLR Chip Cleaning Service
In House Chip Cleaning services at PFD Ltd.
1) Friday Morning.
Drop the camera off at our premises Thursday night, or Friday morning before 10am.
Collect the chip cleaned camera around mid-day on Friday.
2) Overnight.
Drop the camera off at our premises by 5pm.
Collect the chip cleaned camera around 10am the next day.
This service available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights only.
3) Countrywide Collection.
The camera is collected by courier from customers address, or the customer can send the camera to us themselves.
The chip cleaned camera will be delivered back to the pick up address 3 days later by courier.
Please phone for further details.
Chip cleaning of DSLR Cameras and medium format backs.
1) Friday Morning.
Drop the camera off at our premises Thursday night, or Friday morning before 10am.
Collect the chip cleaned camera around mid-day on Friday.
2) Overnight.
Drop the camera off at our premises by 5pm.
Collect the chip cleaned camera around 10am the next day.
This service available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights only.
3) Countrywide Collection.
The camera is collected by courier from customers address, or the customer can send the camera to us themselves.
The chip cleaned camera will be delivered back to the pick up address 3 days later by courier.
Please phone for further details.
Chip cleaning of DSLR Cameras and medium format backs.